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Article Image fro Top 5 Ways for Small Businesses to Promote Themselves Online Even Without a Website or Social Media Platform by ORP.ca Small Business Website Design, Support and Digital Marketing, Sudbury and northern Ontario, Canada

 Top 5 Ways for Small Businesses to Promote Themselves Online (Even Without a Website or Social Media Presence)

In today's high-tech world, an online presence is crucial for small businesses to thrive and reach a wider audience. But are websites and social media platforms the only way to be found online by your ideal client?

While websites and social media platforms are the most common methods of promotion used today, some small business owners have neither the resources nor the desire needed to maintain them. 

However, you can still effectively promote yourself online. 

Six Inspiring Sources for Small Business Website Blogs and Social Media Posts Image for small business digital marketing ideas from ORP.ca providing Website Design and Development, Content and Technical Support, as well as Digital Marketing Services to small businesses in Ontario across Canada and in the United States since 2003

Six Inspiring Content Sources for Small Business Website Blogs and Social Media Posts

One critical strategic component of successful online marketing for small businesses is maintaining an engaging website blog and active social media profiles.

However, consistently coming up with fresh content that your ideal audience will find compelling can get complicated.

Fortunately, small businesses can tap into several sources of inspiration to fuel their website, blog and social media posts. Below are six inspiring sources to help small businesses generate captivating content ideas.

DIY vs A Professionally Created Small Business Website

DIY vs A Professionally Created Small Business Website

We will admit to having a bias on this topic. Still, most people already know that having a website for your small business is essential.

Websites offer small businesses an effective way to show their products or services and reach a wider audience.

But, many small business owners end up torn between creating a do-it-yourself (DIY) website or hiring an experienced professional to create your website for you.

How to know it is time to have your small business website redesigned

How To Know It Is Time To Have Your Small Business Website Redesigned

It's well known to small business owners that having an online presence is crucial to success in today's digital age. A website is essential for reaching new customers, showcasing your products or services, and building your brand. However, it's not enough to simply have a website. To stay competitive, you need to regularly evaluate and update your website design to meet the changing needs of your customers and the latest trends in website development.

Here are the top three reasons you know it's time for to consider a small business website redesign:

Blog Article Image For: Have Your Small Business Website Analyzed And Start Bringing Back Sales - Contact ORP.ca, Your Small Business Website Experts Today!

Have Your Small Business Website Analyzed, And Start Bringing Back Sales

As internet use continues to grow and evolve, so do the challenges of maintaining an effective online presence.

Among the most critical factors determining your website's success is its search engine optimization (SEO).

Simply put, SEO is a set of processes used to optimize your website so that it appears higher in the list of search engine results when someone searches for relevant keywords. However, achieving a high ranking is a challenging task. It requires careful planning, execution, and constant monitoring.

The Pluses and Minuses of Email Marketing for Small Businesses from ORP.ca's Blog

The Pluses and Minuses of Email Marketing for Small Businesses in 2023

Small businesses using email marketing to reach current and new customers remains one of the most popular forms of advertising for small businesses. It is cost-effective, easy to track, provides information about active and prospective clients, and can help you reach many customers quickly.

However, you should be aware that there are also disadvantages to email marketing before adding it to your small business marketing strategy.

How Important Are Keywords In Digital Marketing For Small Businesses - a digital marketing article from the small business website design and marketing team at ORP.ca

How Important Are Keywords In Digital Marketing For Small Businesses?

In today's digital age, small businesses must have a solid online presence to compete in the current market. One crucial aspect of digital marketing is the use of keywords and phrases.

People use these words or phrases to search for products or services online. By incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into a website's content, small businesses can improve their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), drive traffic to their website, and increase their chances of attracting potential customers.

The Importance of Creating Good Website Content and Content Marketing for Small Businesses a digital marketing article from the experienced marketing an website design team at ORP.ca

The Importance of Creating Good Website Content and Using Content Marketing To Promote Your Small Business

You've probably heard the saying that "Content is King." In digital marketing, that statement has never been more accurate than it is today.

Each day, people scour the web looking for information. The fact is that businesses need to have winning marketing strategies that focus on creating and distributing online content regularly.

How To Make Sure Your Small Business Website Redesign Is A Success - an article from the team at ORP.ca specializing in small business website design and digital marketing services

How To Make Sure Your Small Business Website Redesign Project Is A Success

Suppose your small business website is three or more years old. In that case, it is time to start looking at having that all-important communication tool redesigned and updated.

Among the reasons why it's time for a website redo are:

How To Drive Traffic To Your Small Business Website Content Seen Without Relying On Facebook - a small business focussed website design and digital marketing services article from ORP.ca

How To Drive Traffic To Your Small Business Website Content Seen Without Relying On Facebook

Let’s face it. Facebook is not the powerhouse for driving traffic to your small business website that it used to be.

We’re not making any accusations, but for many people, links to external websites, like your small business website, are being suppressed alongside so-called “Fake News” websites.

Image for the Website Navigation - An often overlooked part of a great small business website redesign Article from ORP.ca specializing is small business website redesign and digital marketing services

Website Navigation - an often overlooked part of a Small Business Website Redesign

When did you last think about your website's navigation structure and placement?

Many people don't put much thought into this anymore. Notice how many websites now feature the mobile "hamburger" menu, even for people viewing sites on laptop or desktop computers?

But effective navigation is one of the most essential parts of having a successful website, leading to increased site visits and sales.

A content management system is a great way to power your next small business website - a website redesign article for small businesses from the digital marketing experts at ORP.ca

This Is Why You Should Be Using A Content Management System To Power Your Small Business Website

While this may seem obvious in the 2020s, you would be surprised how many small businesses still rely on old-fashioned HTML-coded websites.

Select Website Design and Development Projects

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  • ORP.ca-Small-Business-Website-Design-and-Development-Services-07-Biscotasing-Sportsman-Lodge.jpg
  • ORP.ca-Small-Business-Website-Design-and-Development-Services-08-Northern-Healthy-Homes.jpg
  • ORP.ca-Small-Business-Website-Design-and-Development-Services-09-Par-Innovations-Inc.jpg
  • ORP.ca-Small-Business-Website-Design-and-Development-Services-10-Tracey-Sanders-Photography.jpg